Main Features
- Unique 3 piece slatted rubber
- Two parallel rows of wedges
- High content of natural rubber
- Soft, warm and comfortable
- Cored Wedge
Main Benefits
- Animals gain more weight
- Ultimate in terms of a secure installation
- Cored Wedge for easy fitting
- More grip, livelier animals
- Suitable for new or used slats
Durapak Tops Teagasc Trials
Teagasc carried out an intensive trial comparing 360 Beef Bullocks using; 3 different Slatted Rubbers, out-wintering pads and bare concrete slats. The results from the Teagasc Trial on Slatted Rubber for 2006 & 2007 are summarised in the bar charts below. The Durapak mat is colour coded BLUE. Mat B & C are two well known competitor products. Durapak Slatted Rubber came out on top with 14kgs of extra carcass weight over and above bare concrete slats and together with a higher carcass classification was worth between €45 - €55 per head of animal.
The main reason that Durapak slatted Rubber out performed its competitors is because the product is softer, warmer and more comfortable than other similar products on the market. The earlier designed product had ‘square’ corners and were prone to damage by heavy animals. As a company we replaced earlier mats at a discount to farmers and at a rate that provided good returns to them. The newer designed product with ‘Rounded’ corners is working very well and providing an even better return on investment for farmers.

If you are considering purchasing slatted rubber you should really look at a number of items as follows:
- Return on Investment
- Is this return backed up by independent trials that you can trust?
- Are you going to receive a great after sale service?